We are a digital agency
with a consumer centric vision of marketing.

For ibloom, to be a digital agency means putting the 5th P of the digital marketing – People in the centre of its action. We believe that without the engagement and preference of consumers, no marketing initiative can achieve a successful conclusion.
The “any publicity is good publicity” times are not longer the current times, as we can see every day though social media, in reviews, blogs and message boards.


Get to know our communication solutions from the recreated traditional print to the most innovative digital solutions.


The working of a brand should be thought of as a digital process, involving subjects such as Branding, Design, Digital Marketing, and Digital and Graphic Productions. Only this integrated approach allows for the creation and building of consistent brands and relevant experiences for the brands and consumers.


Social media has long abandoned the model of free and easy results. Social media continues to be of crucial importance for the vast majority of the Digital Marketing strategies, but they do demand a professional management and investment in communication.


The research for products and services is part of the day-to-day life of consumers. Brands cannot neglect this opportunity: to be able to be in touch with consumers in a crucial stage of the consumption process. SEO and SEM are two sides of Search.


Ibloom believes that the digital and the physical work better together. That’s the way consumers live. For that reason, we develop websites, platforms of e-commerce, mobile APPs, AR solutions, but also, graphic design and digital printing and POS materials.